AI Mentor Agency AI Mentor Agency

You can have your own mentor at work with you, or living with you at home.

Pick the mentor you want. Hire them by the month. They teach or do it for you.

Available Mentors for hire

Image Gen AI Mentor

VIP from the AI Mentor Agency (Most popular)

Pierre is an expert in crafting AI Imaging prompts. Work together and get to what you really want.

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Java Web AI Mentor

VIP from AI Mentor Agency

An expert Java EE Apache Tomcat web stack architect and programmer, he can plan with you and answer questions as you go. He can also review your code. If you want he will write the code for you. Langs: Java, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, SQL.

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Chess Epic Story AI Mentor

VIP from AI Mentor Agency

Merlin is an expert storyteller of epic fantasy battles. He is also a chess mentor. You say "My Queen's bodyguard creeps forward, far, into the center of the battlefield." Or just type "e4". Or anything in between. You have never played chess like this, no one has. "My bishop gallops across the field and takes the Castle!" Write as much or as little as you like. Ask chess questions at any time. Try it without a chessboad! Powered by an independent chess engine. Can't play chess at all? Just type the actions of one character at a time, and Merlin will try to figure it out.

See Merlin's introductory video
Interview Merlin in a chat

See Merlin's resume and portfolio.

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Live from the City Sphere

VIP from AI Mentor Agency

He's been living in the space station and he's looking for a pen pal.

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See his resume and portfolio.

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We asked our AI Gen Mentor Pierre to make a diagram of the AI Mentor Agency template to create mentors...

It's complicated.

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